An organic fish farming and hydroponic model that is motivated by passion for ecological and economical farming; healthy lifestyle through organic diet and outdoor activities; and landscaping and gardening.
This is a passion project that aims to produce a model for an organic fish farming and hydroponic facility suitable for residential backyards or private farms through the use of a simple shape as inspiration, the symbol of cycles and our planet, The Circle. According to fish farming experts, notably, Dr. Jose Abucay of Central Luzon State University, a circular shape fish pond is best suited for circulation of water, fish, and waste drainage. There are also several links to fish and vegetable farming as the waste from fish, once processed through filters, creates nitrate-rich water essential for plant growth. This shape and natural connections sparked the idea of this on-site experimental and partly research-based project set in Alfonso, Cavite.
Three circular ponds (in varying sizes) house three notable components in the model: The Animal (fish, large circle), The Plant (kangkong or Lettuce or Spinach), and The Earth (Mechanical and Organic Filter). The on-site component of the proposal is from designing and surveying, to actual construction of the model. The parts for research shall be the suggested mechanisms involved in the projects and more importantly the artistic inspirations that drive conceptualization and motivation.
No-electricity Barrel Pump or Water Auto Pump from Learn From Life (
The Canister Filter from Reef Builders (left); layers of filter from South Wales Garden (lower left); and sample of biofilter pellets from Lazada (lower right); all will be incorporated into a 6" cut pipe as the body of the canister and fitted with reducers as end caps.
The section sketched here shows the flow system model.
The engagement of private farming and gardening enthusiasts (locally labelled now as plantitos/plantitas) including the health conscious is one of the aims of this proposal. A progressive photo and video documentation in a social media platform paired with tags, thought provoking questions, asking suggestions, prototypes (mini versions) that the audience could try at home, or simply awe-inspiring photos and quotes shall be the mode of presentation. Presenting this in a social media platform means the audience could not only see the progress but react (by likes) or be vocal (by leaving comments) possibly affecting the outcome of the project.